Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye is Director General of the Ghana Health Service
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The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has set up a 5-member committee to investigate circumstances leading to officials of the Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital abandoning a patient in the bush at Gomoa Ojobi.

Officials of the hospital were alleged to have abandoned the patient because they are unable to identify the relatives.

Following a public condemnation of the act, the Ghana Health Service decided to investigate.

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Health, Dr Bernard Okoe-Boye, dated June 14, 2024, the Director-General of the GHS, Dr Patrick Kumah-Aboagye informed him that a 5-member committee has been set up.

“An emergency meeting was held today Friday 14th June, 2024 at the Ghana Health
Service Headquarters with the Medical Director of the Hospital who confirmed the
occurrence of the event reported in the various media outlets except the surrounding
facts which appeared different from what was reported.

“To ensure credibility and unfettered access to all relevant information, the Medical Director has temporary been relieved of his post pending the outcome of the
investigation,” the Director-General of the GHS, Dr Patrick Kumah-Aboagye wrote.

He, however, did not name the Medical Director.

“Consequently, a committee has been constituted to conduct independent enquiry into the matter to enable the Service take appropriate action.

“The Committee is made up of the following officers:
1. The Deputy Director-General of the Ghana Health Service
2. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon from the Ridge Hospital
3. Representative from the Ministry of Health
4. Representative from the Social Welfare Department, and
5. A senior Nurse Manager”

The GHS DG assured the Minister that “appropriate action will be taken at the end
of the enquiry to ensure that any persons connected with the unfortunate incident are brought to book.

Related article:

Abandoned patient in bush: Minister of Health gives Ghana Health Service 30 days to submit report | 3News

In response, Dr Okoe-Boye gave the GHS a maximum of 30 days to submit a report.

“I have taken notice of the decision to direct the Medical Director of the hospital to step aside from his post pending the outcome of the investigation.

It is the position of the Ministry that this process is concluded within a maximum of 30 days from the date of constitution of the committee and a report submitted to my office. Thank you for your efforts to ensure the integrity of the health care system in Ghana,” Dr Okoe-Boye wrote.

Read also:

Summon Board, Management of Winneba Trauma Hospital – Ablakwa urges Parliament