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Supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Assin Central are up in arms over the suspension of its Parliamentary Candidate by the Regional Executives.

The protest which was staged on Friday, June 28 is to register their disagreement to the decision to withdraw Nurein Shaibu Migyimah as the 2024 Parliamentary candidate for the party.

Migyimah has been accused of having an inappropriate affair with the wife of Assin Central’s NDC General Secretary, Sadique Broni.

The aggrieved NDC supporters find the decision of the Regional Executives as “illegal” and “dumbfounded”.

“The basis on which they stood to disqualify the PC is not based on natural justice or any constitution of the NDC. This is illegality,” leader of the protest and Assin Central NDC Communications team member, Desmond Osei Tutu noted.

They have petitioned the party to rescind the decision taken by the Regional Executives or risk losing votes to the opposition in the December 7 polls.

“We will also join forces with the opposition to campaign and vote against the party since we might not be interested in winning the votes in Assin Central,” excerpts of the petition read.

Read more: Election 2024: NDC parliamentary candidate for Assin Central withdrawn over affair with General Secretary’s Wife

The Central Regional Organizer of the NDC, Michael M. Derry in an interview on Onua FM’s Yen Nsempa disclosed this while revealing the reason for the party suspending Migyimah.

According to Mr. Derry, this revelation came to light after Broni planted a camera in his bedroom, suspecting infidelity.

“The Secretary caught wind of the cheating rumors that was circulating regarding his wife and the Parliamentary Candidate, Nurein Shiabu Migyimah so the Secretary installed a camera in his bedroom, so anytime they were involved in the act, the camera captured it” Derry stated on Yen Nsempa on Onua FM, June 28.

He explained that Migyimah and Broni shared a close friendship, with the General Secretary even offering his home to the PC, who did not have a house in the constituency, this arrangement was intended to provide convenience, but rather facilitated the illicit relationship.

He further alleged that the General Secretary and his wife do not have children. However, Broni’s wife recently gave birth to a child, allegedly fathered by Migyimah, in Kasoa a week ago.

Meanwhile the NDC Communication officer in Assin Central has denied these allegations against Nurein and says any claims of the wife giving birth is false.

“It is a lie, they are all lies, the wife has not given birth, and nothing went on between Nurein and the General Secretary’s wife,” he said.