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Juxtaposing his words with his deeds and how they have reflected on the economy, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic, according to Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, is a complete failure.

As the second most powerful person of the land, the former NDC Chair says he never expected him to absolve himself of the blames of this administration.

Ofosu Ampofo has been explaining that, some utterances from the Vice President presents him as someone who is no longer part of this administration, considering his consistency in his messages of coming to change many of the policies this government has implemented.

He has been asking if the Vice President, who is the flag bearer of the NPP, currently bears the same status as Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, a former stalwart of the party who resigned and is campaigning to bring new things.

“I have come because the call for change of this government has moved beyond partisanship to a national clarion call. The clarion call is more or less a national call to duty to ensure that this government which had brought so many economic hardships [is voted out].

“And I keep on asking myself is Bawumia who he claims to be who he is? Because when he speaks on the campaign platform now, I ask whether he’s Alan Kyerematen, because he speaks as if [he is] Alan who has left the NPP and trying to come out with new ideas,” he said on ChannelOne TV Wednesday, June 05, 2024.

“I wonder why a sitting Vice President would go and be making a certain statement and have forgotten his role as the chairman of the Economic Management Team. I heard him saying the reintroduction of the toll booths, you are part of this government?” he questioned.

“As the Vice President, it is your government. You are an integral part and the number two most important person. When he was appointed, the president indicated he was bringing Dr Bawumia because of his economic prowess and credentials to come and salvage the economy. So, completely he’s a failure, he’s a failure.”

Mr. Ampofo also urged Ghanaians to vote out the NPP for the NDC to come and continue with their good works.

“Ghanaians should look at what has happened in South Africa over their election and take their decision that will chart a new path for the future of this country.

“I believe that the NPP under President Akufo-Addo and Bawumia has taken this country for granted. And the silence of the voices we used to hear when NDC was in power is very surprising. But I believe that the ordinary Ghanaian will rise to the occasion and show that there’s a change of government,” he stated.

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