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The Civil and Local Government Staff Association (CLOGSAG) has said it intends to withdraw its services on July 3 over delay by government to implement a new salary structure for civil servants.

Executive Secretary of CLOGSAG, Isaac Bampoe Addo disclosed this in an exclusive interview with our labour correspondent, Daniel Opoku in Accra on June 21.

In January 2023, leadership of CLOGSAG concluded negotiations on a new salary structure for civil servants with government.

However, CLOGSAG is disturbed that for over one and half years, government has failed to implement the new salary structure.

This has angered its members, hence the threat to withdraw their services on July 3.

Mr Bampoe Addo said, the conditions of their members have deteriorated.

“As part of our conditions of service, effective January 2023 they should have put us on a new salary structure one and half years down the line the MoU has not been implemented.”

“We have sent so many reminders, but nothing has happened, so we are now going to give them the language that they understand.”

“We are not considering anything, we are also thinking of the welfare of our members, and this is the time, we are not going to entertain any further delay.

He stated that the more than 60,000 of their members will embark on the strike action.

Read also:

CLOGSAG serves notice to declare indefinite strike