Nana Frimpomaa Sarpong Kumankumah is Chairperson of the CPP
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The Convention People’s Party (CPP) might, for the first time in several elections, not field a candidate for the upcoming presidential election.

This was revealed by the Director of Communications for the party, Sylvester Sarpong-Soprano.

He explains the ongoing internal wranglings has made it difficult for the party to conduct a their presidential primary to elect a flag bearer to represent them in the polls.

He tells Accra-based Asaase Radio the recent court cases have disorganised the party, making it difficult to put themselves in order.

Mr Sarpong-Soprano stressed that unless there is a significant change soon, the CPP will struggle to organise itself adequately for the upcoming elections.

“I am not sure we can present a candidate [for 2024] because of what is occurring in the party. The party persistently has not been able to organise [itself], and this is because of multiple repeated court cases challenging the chairman and leader.”

“As the party stands now, as Director of Communications committed to telling the truth about the situation in the party in the interest of the party, I don’t see how that [fielding a candidate] might be possible,” he said.

With less than six months remaining until the December elections, political parties and movements have intensified their campaigns to secure victory.

The National Democratic Congress for instance says it commenced preparations right after losing the 2020 elections. Its former chair, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, said on Onua TV Monday, June 24, 2025.

‘The journey began immediately after the 2020 elections’ – Ofosu Ampofo on NDC’s readiness for 2024 polls