Godfred Yeboah Dame is Attorney-General and Minister of Justice
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Per the professional code of conduct in the legal fraternity, Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has committed a cardinal sin against the legal profession, Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, has noted.

Speaking at a press conference organised by the National Democratic Congress Tuesday, May 28, 2024, he stated that the code of conduct says a person who fabricates evidence with the intent to defeat, obstruct or prevent the course of justice in proceedings commits a criminal offense and is liable to the same penalties as if that person had committed perjury in that proceeding.

He noted that “this is a cardinal sin against the legal profession, the code of conduct of the law profession.”

Mr. Nketiah has also stated that the A-G has shirked his core responsibility of seeking justice for the citizenry and rather resorted to jailing people unjustly, making him a torchbearer of injustice.

He noted that the A-G has committed perjury and professional misconduct with his act.

“Minister of Justice, you’re not interested in justice, you’re interested in just jailing somebody. You’re supposed to be the person delivering justice for your countrymen. You have now become the torchbearer of injustice,” he stated.

Mr. Nketia’s comments come in relation to the matter involving the Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame and Richard Jakpa, an accused person in the ongoing ambulance trial who accused the A-G of meeting him at odd hours to falsify a testimony against the former Deputy Finance Minister, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

Dr. Ato Forson, a former Deputy Finance Minister and current Minority Leader, is facing charges with two others, including Richard Jakpa, for their alleged involvement in the procurement of faulty ambulances for Ghana.

During cross examination by counsel for the Minority Leader in court Thursday, May 23, 2024, Jakpa was cautioned by the trial judge, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe to be direct in his responses and avoid wasting the time of the court.

In response to the judge’s caution, Attorney-General Yeboah Dame accused Jakpa of defending the Minority Leader.

The accusation prompted Mr Jakpa to retort that the Attorney-General seemed aggrieved because he had previously failed to get him (Jakpa) to help the state build a case against Dr. Ato Forson.

“The A-G has on several occasions engaged me at odd hours to help him make a case against A1 and I have evidence for that.. If he pushes me, I will open the Pandora’s box. I don’t understand why the A-G will accuse me of defending A1 when I’m here to defend myself,” Mr Jakpa said in court.

“If he pushes me, I’ll open the Pandora’s box. I have evidence to all this,” he added.

Contradicting Jakpa’s allegations, Attorney General Godfred Dame asserted that it was Jakpa who had repeatedly reached out, sending several letters to request a plea bargain in hopes of having the charges against all accused persons dropped.

However, the A-G clarified that no agreement had been reached regarding these proposals.

‘You have now become the torchbearer of injustice’ – Asiedu Nketia to Dame