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The only thing that surprises former Auditor-General, Daniel Yaw Domelevo, over Martin Amidu’s petition to President Akufo-Addo, to oust Kissi Agyebeng as Special Prosecutor (SP), is the fact that Agyebeng is Amidu’s own successor.

Bearing the challenges Mr. Amidu himself faced that forced his resignation from as Special Prosecutor, Mr. Domelevo says he should have better understood the frustrations of Kissi Agyebeng than any other person.

According to him, the fact that the Special Prosecutor is fighting corruption is something that will not sit well with the presidency. He suspects it might have been the presidency’s wish to oust the SP due to the cause he is fighting, and Martin Amidu’s action might have made things easier for them to carry their agenda.

Speaking on the KeyPoints on TV3 Saturday, May 18, 2024, Mr. Domelevo noted that he would never have instigated the impeachment of his successor if he was to be in Martin Amidu’s position.

“My only surprise is that this petition is coming from Hon. Martin Amidu. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have the right so to do but if I were in his position, I will not participate in doing anything to remove my successor from office. That is my only reservation about it,” he told Alfred Ocansey, host of the show.

“And anyone including Martin Amidu should know that Kissi Agyebeng being at the forefront of fighting corruption will not be the favourite one at the office of the President. So, he just walked into a trap or created a favourable environment for the office of president to expedite action otherwise, more serious allegations were made against people and the presidency has not found it right to forward such allegations or those petitions to the chief justice so this selective way of administering justice I think does not help our country and I particularly I find the new development very unfortunate.” he asserted.

‘Respectfully nonsensical’ – Kweku Baako rubbishes Amidu’s petition seeking Agyebeng’s ousting as SP

Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu, the former Special Prosecutor, has filed a petition for the impeachment of William Kissi Agyebeng as the current occupant of the office.

Mr Amidu alleges procurement breaches in the purchase of vehicles for the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) and abuses involving judges and the administration of justice as part of his call for Mr. Agyebeng’s impeachment.

Other allegations include violations of citizens’ rights through arrests and detentions, violations of the right to information, and improper appointments of personnel to the office.

Additionally, Mr. Amidu alleges a violation of the right to information when he requested appointment letters and salary details of all OSP staff to be put on a pen drive for him, which Mr. Agyebeng refused.

The petition dated April 30, 2024, was presented to President Akufo-Addo and forwarded to the Chief Justice, Gertrude Torkornoo, on May 6, 2024 for onward processing.

The Chief Justice, according to sources, is determining whether there is a prima facie case to establish a committee for Mr. Agyebeng’s removal as required by the Constitution in Article 146.

Kissi Agyebeng likely to be asked to step aside as Special Prosecutor – Domelevo