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The recent protest organised by actress Yvonne Nelson, according to Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, will serve as a wake-up call for the Energy Minister to double his efforts in getting the challenge at the sector resolved.

According to the Effutu Member of Parliament, although government is doing its best to get the matter resolved, the vigil would go a long way to make things faster.

Speaking to some teachers in the Effutu constituency during a distribution of some electronic gadgets to them as part of his one-teacher one-laptop policy, the Majority Leader noted Ghana stands at a better position when it comes to energy supply.

He says neighbouring countries are all facing energy challenges, with Nigeria being the hardest hit nation with the challenge.

He assured that the issue will be addressed since it was the reason why Ghanaians voted for the government.

“Ghana, we have made it, as a member of ECOWAS Parliament, if I look at the developments in the sub-region, even power, Nigeria, I’m just coming from Abuja, almost every household has a Gen set. You go to Benin, Togo, La Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Conakry, Equitorial Guinea, Cape Verde. They don’t have reliable power, we do, but even so, it’s not enough.

“So, we should continue to drum home on the issue, our sister Yvonne Nelson, did some demonstration. Even though we’re solving the problem in the energy sector, that alone will be a wake-up call to pinch the minister of energy, that hey, let me solve it and get it done completely. After all, that’s why the people voted for us,” he said.

Actress Yvonne Nelson on Saturday, June 8 led the #DumsorMustStop protest. The protesters commenced the vigil at the main gate of the University of Ghana.

They proceeded from the University of Ghana to the Tetteh Quarshie roundabout, where the organisers delivered a statement.

About thirty police personnel were deployed to take charge of the protest despite earlier attempts to thwart it over disagreements on the location.

Give us immediate and long-term solutions to ‘Dumsor’ – #DumsorMustStop campaigners tell Akufo-Addo