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The ‘Economic Lockdown’ policy proposed by the All People’s Congress (APC) seeks to address Ghana’s economic challenges by implementing a comprehensive strategy aimed at promoting self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on imports.

This policy initiative, according to Hassan Ayariga, leader of the APC, recognizes the detrimental effects of over-reliance on imported goods, which have led to high inflation rates and limited job opportunities within the country.

Central to this policy agenda, he says, is the promotion of local production and consumption.

By encouraging Ghanaians to prioritize domestically sourced goods over imports, the APC aims to revitalize and expand various sectors of the economy. Key industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and processing are expected to experience significant growth as demand for locally produced commodities such as rice, oil, chicken, maize, and others rises.

One of the primary objectives of the Economic Lockdown, Mr. Ayariga says, is to reduce inflation rates by curbing the demand for imported goods. By shifting consumption patterns towards locally produced alternatives, the pressure on foreign currency reserves is alleviated, leading to more stable prices and a healthier economic environment. Additionally, the creation of new industries and the expansion of existing ones will not only generate employment opportunities but also contribute to overall economic diversification and resilience.

“It is crucial to emphasize that the Economic Lockdown proposed by the APC is not intended to be a permanent solution but rather a strategic intervention to kick-start the local economy. The temporary nature of this policy initiative underscores its role as a catalyst for long-term economic transformation rather than a standalone measure. By laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and development, Ghana can emerge stronger and more resilient from its current economic challenges under the leadership of Dr. Hassan Ayariga and the APC,” Mr. Ayariga has explained.

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