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John Dramani Mahama, flag bearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), is calling on Ghanaians not to grant power to persons who are at the centre of the current hardship the nation is going through.

He says there is no cause to trust a person who is promising a better future whilst the power to effect the needed changes lies in his hands.

Speaking at a public lecture organised by the Christian Service University in Kumasi on the theme: “Sustainability of Democracy in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience”, John Mahama noted that Ghanaians deserve a leader who is truthful and honest to the people.

“Those whose glaring failures at economic management have sucked us into this vortex of despair despite their lofty talk in opposition and who now seek to flee the responsibility cannot be rewarded with the presidency in this deep crisis. The presidency cannot be handed over to those who present as the future when they have the epicentre of our disastrous present.

“Leadership that is honest and accepts responsibility for challenges rather than passing the back is the kind of leadership that sustains democracy,” he asserted.

He also said at the lecture that there is no basis for the comparison between which is better between owning a Dutch passport and obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Ghana.

The National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) flag bearer weighing in on the debate averred that, had it not been the poor leadership of the current administration that has caused widespread despair among the citizenry, there wouldn’t have been basis for this debate.

According to the former President, obtaining a visa to do a menial job in Europe shouldn’t have come into the equation if a comparison was being made to obtaining a PhD.

He indicated that the debate has gained grounds because people have lost confidence and hope in Ghana’s future due to the current economic downturn the government has plunged the citizenry into.

The hardship, in the midst of corruption and wastage of national resources by the Akufo-Addo administration, according to John Mahama, is the reason such people believe obtaining a foreign passport is worth more than having a doctorate degree in Ghana.

“There’s widespread despair and anguish amongst our people leading to an active debate on social media about whether securing a foreign passport to do a menial job in Europe is better than holding a PhD in Ghana. It’s the adversity into which our nation has been plunged, otherwise, there’s no basis for comparison between a Visa and a PHD,” John Mahama stated.

The public lecture was part of activities marking the 50th anniversary of the Christian Service University.

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