Lawyer Kenneth Agyare
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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Atewa East in the Eastern Region, Lawyer Kenneth Agyare, has described the current leadership of the Electoral Commission as statistically incompetent.

He says EC’s computational errors during the 2020 polls and the just ended Limited Voter Registration has tainted the credibility of the Commission.

His critical remarks follow an explanation given by the EC Chairperson, Jean Adukwei Mensah for the mistake made in announcing figures from the Limited Registration Exercise.

Addressing the press, the EC Chairperson said the mistakes were made because officers relied on Corel Draw.

She expounded that the EC has now decided to switch to Excel going forward.

This has compelled stakeholders, political analysts and civil society organizations to raise concerns insisting that the Commission has to up their game ahead of the 2024 general elections on December 7.

Kenneth Agyare, who was speaking on Onua FM Etifi Sem show condemned the conduct of the Commission labeling them as statistically incompetent.

“We have an Electoral Commission that is statistically incompetent, Bossman Asare who is the Deputy EC Chairman in charge of Corporate Services is also mathematically challenged”.

The EC announced the 2020 results more than five times which never tallied and as we speak in Ghana we don’t have 2020 election results,” he asserted.

He emphasized that the NDC in the spirit of promoting peace only accepted the court ruling, not that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) won the elections.

He prayed that the NDC going into the 2024 polls would be more vigilant to resist any attempt to change results in rigging the December 7, general elections.

Story by Maxwell Otoo/ Onua FM/