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The presidency has released the report on the audit conducted by KPMG into the deal between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Strategic Mobilisation Limited (SML).

This follows pressure mounted by anti-corruption civil society organisations and individuals.

Initially, the presidency declined to release the report with the explanation that “The KPMG report comprises opinions, advice, deliberations, and recommendations that are integral to the President’s deliberative process and, therefore, qualifies as exempt information under section 5 (1) (a) and (b) (i) of the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

GRA-SML: KPMG report is exempt information under RTI – Presidency to MFWA

However, a press release dated May 22 signed by the Director of Communications, Eugene Arhin said, “the President, in the interest of full transparency in governance, openness, and honesty with the public, has decided to waive the privilege under section 5 of the RTI Act and has directed the publication of the KPMG report in full.”

Read full report here.

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