Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission, John Allotey
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The Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission, John Allotey, is encouraging those who took part in the previous Green Ghana Day exercise to go back to the seedlings they planted, take pictures with them and post them on their social media handles.

According to him, this is geared at encouraging people not only to plant the seedlings but to also nurture them to grow.

The CEO was speaking at the residency of the Western Regional Minister, Kobby Otchere Darko Mensah when he paid a courtesy call on him on Friday, May 31, 2024, ahead of the Ghana Green Day which falls on the 7th of June this year.

Western Regional Minister, Kobby Otchere Darko Mensah (R) and Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission, John Allotey (L)

“We expect that people will go back to where they planted in 2021,22,23 and inspect the seedlings to check how they are doing. We expect that you will take a pic of the seedlings that you planted on earlier editions and post them on your WhatsApp or any other digital platform that we will see how your seedlings are doing,” he encouraged.

The Green Ghana Day was introduced in 2021 by President Akuffo-Addo as part of an aggressive national afforestation and reforestation programme to restore the lost forest cover of Ghana and to contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change.

However, many have expressed concern that there is not a deliberate effort to nurture the seedlings after being planted. Mr. Allotey whilst calling for the photoshoot, is also cautioning the public that whilst they should all get involved in this year’s Green Ghana Day, they should not just plant but make an effort to nurture their seedlings.

He commended the Western Regional Minister for his leadership in ensuring that the region exceeded its targets for the past two years.

Kobby Otchere Darko Mensah who expressed happiness about exceeding the target called for a Green Ghana Day challenge with prizes at stake to encourage people to participate in this year’s exercise.

Kobby Otchere Darko Mensah

“I am happy that this year, you are introducing the challenge, which is the Green Ghana Day Challenge, that anybody that plants a tree should take a picture of it and post it on social media.

I believe that we should use it as a proper competition with cash prizes attached, so that everybody will feel energized to participate in the challenge and I believe that Ghanaians will definitely take it on board. You can also get more celebrities on board to impress other people,” he suggested.

80% of this year’s seedlings for the Western Region is expected to be planted in the Subri Forest.

By Ewurama Smith