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The family of the late three-year-old boy who lost his life due to the accident involving actor LilWin has been occupied with sad and grief as they mourn their son.

Emmanuel Richard Ampomah, the three-year-old victim has been laid to rest on Tuesday, May 28 after he died while receiving treatment on Saturday, May 25 at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.

His father who also sustained a fractured leg as a result of the accident has now been discharged and was also at the burial grounds on Tuesday.

Nana Yaw is reported to have occupied the front passenger seat of his father’s vehicle when it collided with LilWin’s branded Mercedes benz on Saturday, May 25 at Amakom in Kumasi.

Both vehicles have severely been damaged due to the accident as reports suggest that both drivers were over speeding.

3News’ check with a contact from Weezy Empire confirm the death of the three-year-old stating that they only found out about the death of the young boy on Sunday, May 26.

Family of three-year-old boy

LilWin, who also suffered injuries in the accident, was seen in a video being carried into another vehicle to receive treatment at the hospital.

His branded Benz, which was involved in the accident, was severely damaged.

Despite the incident, LilWin made it to the premiere of his movie, ‘A Country Called Ghana’ on Saturday night after the incident had occurred.

Videos online show the actor with bandages on his forehead and an adhesive plaster on his right hand where he sustained injuries.

During his speech to the patrons, LilWin said he could not ignore the efforts of the individuals including local chiefs and other personalities who made it to the event.