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In the Nkoranza North district of the Bono East region, some members of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) have rained curses on some persons they deem foreigner who have come there to register.

They claim those persons who neither hail nor reside in the district have been allegedly bused to some registration centres by an NPP-branded vehicle to register.

The party executives, based on the allegations invoked curses on the alleged foreigners including other persons they described as minors.

Emmanuel Ballasi, the constituency Secretary for the NDC, told Fabea FM, a local based radio station that they will challenge any attempt by the NPP to get minors and foreigners on the roll.

“The NPP have brought about 64 people here to register and when we ask them where they come from, they mention a place but cannot show us where the place is. They told us their MP is not helpful to them that’s why they came here to register but because we pulled cutlasses, they couldn’t register and have promised to return tomorrow.

“The NDC people couldn’t contain it so we’ve called a deity in Nkoranza North to invoke curses on them that whoever is not from this place should bear the consequences of what happens. He added whoever that brought them here.” he noted.

He added that he was surprised at the NPP for busing people to the area if indeed they have served the constituents well.

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