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Following the numerous unsuccessful attempts by governments to fight illegal mining otherwise referred to as ‘galamsey’ in the country, flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has promised to use technology to fight the canker.

At the ‘3rd Annual Transformational Dialogue on Small-scale mining’ organised by the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Sunyani Thursday, May 15, 2024, John Mahama indicated that using Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be the panacea to the illegal mining menace.

Despite putting his presidency on the line, President Akufo-Addo has not been able to curb galamsey despite evidence of people, including his own party members neck-deep into the act.

Government constituted several operations to curb the illegal mining, burning excavators and other small-scale mining equipment, all to no avail.

The former President, addressing the gathering noted that it was time technology was used to fight the impact of galamsey in the country.

“We will introduce and encourage technological innovation to improve capacity for coordinated monitoring of the small-scale mining sector and reduce environmental impact,” he said on Wednesday, May 15.

He proposed the utilisation of AI to identify small-scale mining and galamsey activities, monitor excavators, and establish geo-fences around concessions to prevent mining operations in unauthorised areas, including water bodies.

“This will include using AI to locate all small-scale mining and galamsey operations, track excavators, and geo-fence all concessions to ensure mining operations are not conducted in unapproved areas, including water bodies,” he stated.

‘Galamsey’: ‘We cannot destroy our environment to satisfy the greed of a few miscreants’ – Otumfuo