Governs Kwame Agbodza is MP for Adaklu and Minority Chief Whip
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The Minority in Parliament has threatened to use unflattering language against Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin if he fails to present the proposed bill on the Free Senior High School policy in the house today, Friday, June 28, 2024.

The bill seeks to make the Free SHS intervention mandatory for future governments to sustain.

Despite the Majority Leader’s claims that the Minority opposes the bill, they have denied this and urged the government to address existing challenges in the education sector.

Minority Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza, while speaking on the floor of Parliament emphasized that the bill must be laid in the House today for further action.

According to him, they would call the Majority Leader names on his failure to present the bill because “he is speaking everywhere in the world that we don’t want [the bill to be passed] if he doesn’t bring the bill today we shall call him names he will not like today.”

He queried the leader’s fear for failing to submit the bill which he has chastised the Minority for waging opposition to it.

“Mr. Speaker, it was the Chief Whip who chaired the Business Committee so he knows what was discussed. What is he afraid of for not presenting the bill? In any case, the leader is probably on his way to bring the free SHS bill to the House. Today is the deadline for him to bring the bill to the House and we’ll call him names so inform him before he gets here that if he doesn’t present the free SHS bill today, we shall call him names,” he reemphasised.

Dr Bawumia is against legislating Free SHS, has he changed his mind? – Ato Forson quizzes Afenyo-Markin

With additional files from Komla Klutse