Nurein Shaibu Migyimah is Assin Central NDC parliamentary candidate
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Abdallah Ibrahim, brother to the lady at the centre of the dismissal of the Assin Central NDC parliamentary candidate (PC), Nurein Shaibu Migyimah, has disclosed that his sister is single and not married as being speculated.

Ibrahim, has told Captain Smart on Onua TV’s morning show, Maakye, Monday, July 01, 2024, that his sister who has been accused of cheating on her husband is not married and sees her involvement in the political scuffle in the constituency as a ploy to denigrate the image of their family.

Nurein Shaibu Migyimah, the parliamentary candidate for the NDC in the Assin Central constituency has been accused of having an inappropriate affair with the wife of the Secretary, Sadique Broni, leading to his suspension by the regional executives of the party.

But according to Ibrahim, brother of the lady, although his sister used to be married to the Secretary, Sadique Broni, the union was dissolved in 2021. He also says his sister has never conceived nor bore a child, indicating that the allegations of she having a child with the NDC parliamentary candidate is a lie.

As part of the allegations, it was said that the PC had rented a place for the lady to stay at  Kasoa in the Awutu Senya East municipality. Meanwhile, the lady, according to her brother, resides at Assin Fosu in the Assin Central municipality, all in the Central Region.

Ibrahim further explained that the supposed marriage between his sister and Mr. Broni was void because it was built on lies. He said the two families belong to two different sects in the Islamic faith, and the man, as demanded by his sister, was supposed to join the sect of the woman’s family before the duo could be together.

However, Ibrahim said his family discovered later that Mr. Broni had lied to them after informing the family that he was no more an Ahmadiya. This, according to Ibrahim, rendered the family void due to the lies told by the man.

He also disclosed that the sister never loved and wanted to marry the man. But it was their mother who insisted that she married him after threatening her, which made her accept to be with him without her will.

Aside from Mr. Broni’s refusal to take care of the lady, leading to her borrowing from people and swimming in debt, Ibrahim also disclosed that the man was impotent and had low sperm count, something they had to intervene by providing some medication to help resolve the challenge after the hospitals they attended failed to resolve the problem.

He continued that although the lies told by the man rendered the marriage void, they had to sit as a family to dissolve it since a rite was performed to put the two together. This, he said, was after the sister had said she was fed up with Sadique Broni’s consistent threats of killing himself whenever the sister said she wanted to leave the marriage.

Ibrahim noted that he advised the sister to take to her heels, informing her of the danger in staying with someone who always threatens to take his own life with a cutlass.

He told Captain Smart that he advised the sister to leave the house since the man could turn the cutlass on her or could kill himself one day and she the sister could be held liable for it.

The lady’s brother has warned the NDC constituency executives involved in the matter to leave his family’s name out of their milieu since there is no marriage between their secretary and his sister.

Assin Central NDC supporters demonstrate over suspension of Parliamentary Candidate