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John Dramani Mahama, flag bearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said the party’s campaign message for the 2024 elections is not just a “slogan but a call to action that echoes our party’s motto.”

A party born with a vision of unity, stability, and development, John Mahama says the rock upon which the NDC was built only reminds them of how they can foster unity to ensure the development every Ghanaian aspires for.

In a special message given to the party on its 32nd anniversary celebration, John Mahama described how powerful their message for the upcoming election is, and how it is linked to the motto of the umbrella fraternity.

“Our party’s motto, ‘Unity, Stability, and Development’, is not just a slogan but a guiding principle for our daily work. It reminds us that only by coming together as one nation can we achieve the stability and development that we all aspire to. As we prepare for the December elections, I am reminded of our powerful campaign message: Building the Ghana we want together.

“This message is not just a slogan but a call to action that echoes our party’s motto. It underscores the crucial role of unity in propelling our country forward, the necessity of stability in our political and economic landscape, and our unwavering commitment to development for all our citizens,” portions of his message contained.

He also urged the party faithful to revive their commitment to the party’s values and motto to help build the Ghana they hope for.

Find below the full message from Mahama



Today, we proudly celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the National Democratic Congress, a party that was born with a vision of Unity, Stability, and Development. As we look back on our journey, we are reminded of the profound impact of these values in shaping the future of our beloved nation.

Our party’s motto, ‘Unity, Stability, and Development’, is not just a slogan but a guiding principle for our daily work. It reminds us that only by coming together as one nation can we achieve the stability and development that we all aspire to. As we prepare for the December elections, I am reminded of our powerful campaign message: Building the Ghana we want together. This message is not just a slogan but a call to action that echoes our party’s motto. It underscores the crucial role of unity in propelling our country forward, the necessity of stability in our political and economic landscape, and our unwavering commitment to development for all our citizens.

Our supporters are the backbone of the NDC, and I want to assure you that we remain steadfast in our commitment to these principles. Together, we will build a Ghana that is united in purpose, stable in governance, and developed in opportunity for all. Your unwavering support fuels our determination to work tirelessly towards these goals and create a brighter future for every Ghanaian.

On this momentous day, let us rekindle our commitment to the values of Unity, Stability, and Development. Together, we can build the Ghana we yearn for and achieve the radiant future that our nation deserves.

Thank you, and may God bless our great party, the National Democratic Congress and our dear nation, Ghana.

John Dramani Mahama
Flag Bearer and Leader of the NDC
June 10, 2024.

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