Lawyer Kenneth Agyare
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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Atewa East in the Eastern Region, Lawyer Kenneth Agyare, says NDC will not ride on any opinion poll or survey to win the forthcoming general elections.

He is hopeful that the NDC is winning the December 7 polls, downplaying the survey conducted by Prof. Smart Sarpong, a Senior Lecturer and a Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University.

Prof. Sarpong in his recent survey has projected Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the preferred presidential candidate with 38.9 percent in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

He said in his survey that the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flagbearer leads John Dramani Mahama and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono, Central, Eastern, North East, Western, and Western North regions.

The survey has been criticized and rubbished particularly by NDC members as well as tagging the Professional Statistician, Research Methodologist and a Data Management Consultant as a known lover of the NPP and Dr. Bawumia.

Kenneth Agyare, commenting on the survey on Onua Etifi Nsem show, Saturday June, 15 slammed Dr. Sarpong and insisted that NDC does not ride on opinion polls to win elections.

He told Isaac Ekow J. B (host of the show) that NDC is a serious political party and they are not ready to give a premium to the survey conducted by Professor Sarpong.

“Global Info Analytics I will give them some level of credibility, but you know the NDC does not ride on polls, we are a serious political party which has been in power more than any other government in the history of Ghana, so no polls would determine our victory.”

Of course, opinion polls help in predictive analysis. Polls help to do a voter classification, it helps political parties to strategize their campaign, but NDC is not going to put premium on polls that are jaundiced,” he emphasized.

He was quick to add that he is working hard to oust the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Abena Osei-Asare, stressing that his candidature poses a threat to the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

He criticised the Atewa East lawmaker and the NPP for failing to develop the area after claiming the constituency as their strong hold.

Story by Maxwell Otoo/ Onua FM/