NDC PC, Fanteakwa South, Kingsley Owusu Newman
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Construction of a police station in Akyem Dwenase in the Fantekwa South District of the Eastern Region is likely to be halted by a Parliamentary Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The District Chief Executive for Fanteakwa South, Ernest Ofosu, has cut the sod for the construction of a police station in Dwenase to help curtail criminal activities in the area.

According to the DCE, the project is going to be funded through the District Assembly Common Fund and it is expected to be completed within eight months.

Mr. Ofosu, speaking to the media after breaking grounds for the commencement of the project expressed fret over the police-citizen ratio with the fact that the district is shortchanged in terms of police personnel.

He is optimistic that the project, if completed, would help the Fanteakwa district to attain the district police command status to enhance security in the area.

Chief of Akyem Dwenase, Barima Beyeman Gyekye Sei II, on his part commended the District Assembly for initiating the project but was quick to pray it would be completed within the stipulated time to serve the purpose.

He was equally elated and maintained it will foster a safer community to boost economic activities in the area.

However, the NDC parliamentary candidate for Fanteakwa South, Kingsley Owusu Newman, has opposed the site earmarked for the project.

He is livid at the decision of the Assembly to demolish the lone market in the community to pave way for the construction of the police station.

He has suggested to the Assembly to demand to traditional rulers to allocate a different land for the project instead of demolishing the market built 8 years ago for traders in the area.

Owusu Newman who was speaking to Onua News on May 30, lauded the Assembly yet vowed to mobilize the people to kick against the demolishing of the market.

Story by Maxwell Otoo/ Onua FM/ 3news.