Godfred Yeboah Dame is Attorney-General and Minister of Justice
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The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has described as “misplaced and unwarranted”, calls by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, to resign.

The NPP says the approach is a mere tactic to make the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, escape trial.

According to the NPP, the opposition’s posture towards the ongoing hearing is a “malicious orchestration” to bastardise the judicial system to aid the former Deputy Finance Minister’s escape from trial.

The NPP, at a press conference addressed by one of its leading members and private legal practitioner, Frank Davies, in reaction to an earlier one organised by the NDC to present an audio recording of the A-G and third accused, Richard Jakpa, to abuse the judicial processes, noted that, the Attorney-General was not going to resign.

The NPP says if the opposition is confident that its leader in Parliament has not caused financial loss to the state, it should trust the judicial system to adjudicate the matter, rather than resorting to malicious orchestrations.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, if it is the firm belief of the NDC and Ato Forson that no loss had occasioned the state from his conduct, then they should remain faithful to our judicial system and cease these malicious orchestrations targeted at bastardising our judicial system prevent him from standing trial to conclusion.

“We are clear in our minds that the calls for the resignation of the Attorney General is misplaced, unwarranted and this would not put any spokes in the prosecution of Cassiel Ato Forson and his associates. Also, coming from the NDC the call for the attorney General to resign is very very rich. The AG would not resign and would continue to remain witty, resolute and focused in the delivery of his work,” he told the media.

Audio: Alleged conversation between Richard Jakpa and Attorney-General Godfred Dame

The NPP’s presser was in relation to the matter involving the Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame and Richard Jakpa, an accused person in the ongoing ambulance trial who accused the A-G of meeting him at odd hours to falsify a testimony against the former Deputy Finance Minister, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

Dr. Ato Forson, a former Deputy Finance Minister and current Minority Leader, is facing charges with two others, including Richard Jakpa, for their alleged involvement in the procurement of faulty ambulances for Ghana.

During cross examination by counsel for the Minority Leader in court Thursday, May 23, 2024, Jakpa was cautioned by the trial judge, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe to be direct in his responses and avoid wasting the time of the court.

In response to the judge’s caution, Attorney-General Yeboah Dame accused Jakpa of defending the Minority Leader.

The accusation prompted Mr Jakpa to retort that the Attorney-General seemed aggrieved because he had previously failed to get him (Jakpa) to help the state build a case against Dr. Ato Forson.

“The A-G has on several occasions engaged me at odd hours to help him make a case against A1 and I have evidence for that.. If he pushes me, I will open the Pandora’s box. I don’t understand why the A-G will accuse me of defending A1 when I’m here to defend myself,” Mr Jakpa said in court.

“If he pushes me, I’ll open the Pandora’s box. I have evidence to all this,” he added.

Contradicting Jakpa’s allegations, Attorney General Godfred Dame asserted that it was Jakpa who had repeatedly reached out, sending several letters to request a plea bargain in hopes of having the charges against all accused persons dropped.

However, the A-G clarified that no agreement had been reached regarding these proposals.

NDC calls for the dismissal and prosecution of Godfred Dame