President Akufo-Addo
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President Akufo-Addo delivered a resolute address during the inauguration of the Law House, emphasizing the vital role of law enforcement and the rule of law, particularly with the impending election year.

He stressed that no political party or presidential candidate’s ambitions would be allowed to jeopardize the nation’s peace, security, and stability.

“It will not happen,” he affirmed unequivocally.

“On this platform, I wish to reassure the Ghanaian people that the state’s law enforcement agencies, including the Office of the Attorney-General, will exert their full efforts to maintain law and order at all times, especially during this critical election year,” President Akufo-Addo declared on June 10.

Underscoring the nation’s strong legal framework, the President emphasized that laws on vigilantism and other relevant statutes would be strictly enforced to protect the country’s tranquility. This steadfast commitment, he asserted, is owed to the Ghanaian people, who have consistently shown their deep attachment to peaceful democratic values.

Reflecting on the importance of the Law House’s commissioning, President Akufo-Addo stated, “the commissioning of the Law House is not merely a celebration of a new building; it is a celebration of our collective commitment to the rule of law and justice. It is proof of our belief that a robust legal system is essential for the development and prosperity of our nation.”

Looking ahead, the President called for the continuous evolution of the legal system to address society’s changing needs while maintaining an unwavering commitment to justice, fairness, and equality for all.

“The rule of law is not a static concept. It is a living principle that requires constant nurturing and vigilance,” he reminded the audience.

President Akufo-Addo’s speech represented a powerful message of preserving peace, security, and stability in Ghana, a nation celebrated as a beacon of democracy on the African continent.

The inauguration of the Law House not only marked the unveiling of new infrastructure but also reinforced Ghana’s dedication to justice and the rule of law, ensuring that peace and democratic values remain central to the nation’s progress.

By Daakyehene Nana Yaw Asante