Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh is Energy Minister
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A report purported to be coming from the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) indicating the candidate preferred by members of the NPP as running mate to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, according to a political analyst, appears cooked to fulfill the agenda of the Energy Minister.

According to the analyst, the outcome of the report looks less scientific and artificial, which suggests it could be a ploy to satisfy the agenda of the person who came top of the survey.

Per the findings of the report, the Energy Minister is preferred amongst the others whose names have popped up as possible persons that could be selected.

The survey report says Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh is leading Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Minister of Education, by over 60 per cent, something the political analyst says does not look real.

“So you could see that from the premise that I have given to you, either they are doing the biding of the very person who came up tops or maybe the flag bearer himself wants to find out a few things to satisfy his curiosity,” he told Alfred Ocansey Thursday, June 19, 2024.

He continued that the report looks doubtful considering the difference in the figures recorded from the respondents, aside from the fact that the NIB as an institution may not do a thing of such nature or even if they did, the document would not be leak to the public.

“So, if I’m supposed to put a premium on this particular survey based upon the premise that I have given, then I will say that it is a bit doubtful and it does not really represent the reality on the ground. Because the question that ought to be answered is the fact that is the survey trying to suggest to us that in terms of popularity, in terms of grassroot politics, grassroot organisation and other things, Dr. Napo is over 60 something per cent ahead of the current Education Minister and even over 70 per cent over that of the former Majority Leader?

“Looking at the whooping gap between Dr. Napo and the rest of the contenders, it looks too artificial for me and less scientific,” he stated.


A research allegedly coming from the quarters of the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) stated that majority of members belonging to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) prefer Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as running mate to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flag bearer.

The survey engaged 5,116 NPP delegates nationwide, including national, regional, constituency, and polling station executives. According to the study, Dr. Opoku Prempeh secured 76.2% of the responses from executives polled.

Following him was the Minister of Education and MP for the Bosomtwe, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, who garnered 10.16%.

Other notable personalities the delegates consider for the role include Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah, former Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, and Bryan Acheampong, the Minister of Agriculture who is also the MP for Abetifi.

According to the alleged NIB report, the majority of respondents approximately 84%, believed that Mr Opoku Prempeh is the ideal running mate for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia due to his charisma and popularity among party members.

Meanwhile, the survey also reveals that there was a strong consensus that the running mate should be selected from the Ashanti Region.

Nonetheless, in its recommendation, NIB warned the flag bearer to be cautious of selecting Dr Prempeh.

“Given Dr Prempeh’s current role as the Minister of Energy, the ongoing power crises in Ghana could impact his candidacy. Therefore, the government may need to implement necessary measures to solidify his competence in managing the energy sector, thereby enhancing the party’s prospects in the 2024 general elections,” the report contained.

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