A group photo of the Minister of Information's entourage and Management of Media General
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Group CEO of Media General, Beatrice Agyemang, has called for a reassessment of the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act to enhance its efficiency.

This call was made during a courtesy call on her by the newly appointed Information Minister, Fatimatu Abubakar, at Media General’s premises.

The Information Minister and her entourgae were warmly received by Beatrice Agyemang and other members of Media General’s Management team. During discussions, while emphasizing the critical role the media plays in nation-building Madam Fatimatu Abubakar reiterated government’s commitment to addressing challenges faced by journalists as well as enhancing their capacity.

Discussions were mutually beneficial

According to her, “we cannot take the Minister of Information away from the responsibility to ensure that there is free press, that issues of safety of journalists are addressed. As a ministry, we are trying our best to introduce media support programs.”

In her remarks, Beatrice Agyemang urged the Minister to evaluate the progress of media freedom in the country and consider revisiting the implementation of the Right to Information Act. “Evaluate the achievements and challenges of media freedom in the country, it is very important that you do that” Madam Agyemang stated.

Madam Beatrice Agyemang

She added “we need to relook at the implementation of the RTI act. More awareness should be created to empower, especially journalists and the citizens to utilize it properly.”

Minister Abubakar acknowledged the possibility of making modifications to the Act but encouraged media professionals to continue utilizing the existing procedures. She assured them of the government’s dedication to improving the media landscape and supporting transparency and accountability.

This visit is part of Minister Abubakar’s ongoing engagement with key stakeholders in the media industry, aimed at fostering collaboration and addressing sector-specific issues.

The discussions underscore the importance of continuous dialogue between the government and media organizations to promote a free and effective press, which is essential for democratic governance.

By Noble Crosby Annan