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National Communications Officer of the opposition NDC has sued Asaase Broadcasting Company and Wilberforce Asare as well as ABC news for GHC10million.

It follows what the NDC’s spokesperson describes as defamatory comments made against him alleging that he has squandered party funds on a lavish vacation to Miami.

Social media over the weekend has been awash with videos of the lawyer and his wife in an alleged trip to Miami.

The allegations picked up by some news portals have increased debates on his source of wealth amidst complaints of difficult times in the country.

But in a quick-fire rebuttal Sammy Gyamfi asserts that the claims are “baseless and senseless”

In an interview on Adom TV, he further described the assertions as ‘ridiculous and purely nonsensical’.

Sammy Gyamfi, who in an earlier interview threatened to sue the individuals responsible, has exacted his threats and is demanding GHC10 million in damages as well as the defendants be caused to publish an apology on the front page of the Daily Graphic for three consecutive days.

Read full suit here.

By Eric Mawuena Egbeta