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Some six (6) suspects who assaulted another over a shrinking penis at Senya Bereku in the Central Region have been remanded again into police custody by an Awutu Bereku District Court.

The court presided over by Naomi Kuntour also granted one other, a pragyia rider, bail.

The accused persons; Blessings Bonney, Emmanuel Baffoe, Kwame  Ahinsan, Richard Quanssah, Gideon Amissah and Emmanuel Otoo, were remanded two months ago after their arrest for assaulting the victim.

Appearing in court Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the rider was granted bail on health conditions. According to Onua News’ Nana Yaw Asare, the identity of the other suspect who was granted bail was not disclosed, as well as the reason.

The others are facing charges of causing unlawful harm, assault, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

The eight suspects were arrested two months ago after assaulting a man who was visiting his girlfriend at Senya Bereku.

He boarded the pragyia at Bereku township to his girlfriend’s house after arriving from Accra.

According to the police, the rider, who has had a hearty conversation with the victim on their way to his girlfriend’s house, reported to his friends that his penis has shrunk after picking up the passenger.

He rode back to the victim’s girlfriend’s house to assault him. This, according to the prosecutor, was after the victim had promised to get the rider a new pragyia since the one he was using was old.

The victim, according to the prosecutor, had also given the rider his complimentary card to call him whenever he is ready for the new tricycle.

Following several pleas by the victim to the suspects of his innocence about the shrunk penis, they assaulted him to unconsciousness, leading to their arrest by the police.

The victim has since been discharged from the hospital. The suspects are to reappear on June 21.

Senya Bereku – C/R: Man beaten over missing genitals