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The Deputy Minister for Works and Housing and Member of Parliament for Kwesimintsim in the Western Region, Dr. Prince Hamid Armah has assured that the construction of storm drains at different locations to address the perennial flooding in his Constituency will soon be completed.

Residents in some parts of Kwesimintsim are forced to vacate their homes and businesses whenever there is a heavy downpour.

The situation has persisted for many years with authorities attributing it to the low-lying nature of the Constituency.

Residents in areas such as Appollo-Dupaul, Anaji Fie, Anaji Choice Mart, Kwesimintsim Fie, I-Adu, and many others who were heavily affected by the floods, however, blamed authorities of the Effia-Kwesimistim Municipality for not taking measures to ensure that drains were properly cleared before the onset of the rains.

They believe their sufferings are not over since the rainy season has just started.

The Minister who was on an official tour to ensure these challenges are fixed in the constituency met with some residents Associations, Chiefs, and Opinion leaders.

He was also accompanied by engineers from the Works and Housing Ministry and the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly for a better understanding of the situation and progress being made to address them.

He assured residents that measures are far in place to ensure the frequent flooding problems are addressed soon.

He indicated that some storm drains are already in various stages of completion whilst others are currently being considered.

“We shall immediately construct a 600-meter-long drain at Appolo- Dupaul to deal with the flooding situation causing troubles in the homes of people. We have another flooding problem at Kwesimintsim Fie, residents are unable to sleep whenever there is a heavy downpour. 700 meters storm drain will be constructed for the people to solve that problem.”

“At I-Adu, contractors are already on site working to fix an 800-meter-long storm drain, we are hoping it will be completed as scheduled. There is a problem at Anaji Fie as well as many other places. We are not sleeping over them. I’m assuring the people of Kwesimitsim that very soon all these flooding problems will be over”, he indicated.

Inspection of Sea Defense Projects

The Deputy Minister also embarked on a working visit to inspect the progress of works of sea defense projects being undertaken in Ghana’s western Coastal lines by the Ministry’s implementing agency, Ghana Hydrological Authority.

He visited project sites in Dixcove, Axim, and Aboadze, all in the Western Region.

These projects are being constructed to ensure that over 30 percent of Ghana’s population living along the coast are protected from sea erosion and its devastating effects.

“Three of the coastal line projects (Dansoman, Anomabo, Komenda) are almost complete and the president will soon commission them. We have also completed a fishing harbor at Axim. We are urging the electorate to have confidence in the Akufo- Addo-Bawumia Government.”

“We have a 550 km coastal line and there are hotspots that need urgent attention to avoid the sea eroding communities. We have completed about 80km of the coastal line projects, and we still have 270km more to do. Phase two of the Dansoman Project will soon begin and 1.2km will be added to the Axim project to avoid any future disasters to the community and fisher folks”, he added.

By Eric Gyetuah