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If credibility was salt, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) would be tasteless, General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Franklin Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, has stated.

He says the only thing the NPP has mastered is to throw slogans around without any evidence to show for them.

Fifi Kwetey says despite the many slogans the NPP have inundated Ghanaians with, there is none that’s functional.

“They believe in sloganeering. So they come into office and throw all kinds of slogans all over the place, 1V1D, because they believe that once you throw slogans, you can deceive the people. Today, you ask where the 1V1Ds are, they are nowhere to be found.

“The fact is that you can always claim that you’ve done stuff, but the reality lies in, for example, whether people in dry farming in Ghana over the last eight years could boast about using any of those so-called dams to be able to do any agriculture.

“…what I call the real character of the two political parties; whereas one (NDC) makes an effort to create, they (NPP) are a group that have absolutely no credibility,” he said on Hot Issues Sunday, June 30, 2024, on TV3.

Speaking about the Free senior High School for instance, the former Ketu South Member of Parliament said the NPP government has silenced teachers not to speak about the challenges with the policy.

“You talk even about free SHS that they boast about.
The arrogance, the fact that they literally have to threaten teachers, help teachers, preventing them from speaking and bringing out the fact, because as far as they are concerned, every single thing is about politics. I mean, you know that for a fact, that they threaten headteachers.

“We are in Ghana. It’s what’s called a culture of silence. It’s massive, not just happening to you in the media, but happening to people in the educational sector,” he added.

Enunciation of policies to keep faith with the people, according to Fifi Kwetey, is the alternative the NDC presents to restore good governance in the country.

“The plan is to make sure that we place back into the heart of governance what I consider to be the primacy of principle. You see, what NPP has sought to do is to try to let a country believe that all that matters is what you call the enunciation of policies. Now, the thing is, if you do not have principles, your policies are hollow, because you don’t know what it takes to be able to, as it were, keep faith with policies.

“NDC typically puts into the very heart of every conversation the need for values, the need for principles. That’s why, for example, you have us in power. When we are confronted with a problem, we do not run away from the problem.

“So, for example, there was a dumsor. And we had the courage to tell the country, yes, there is a dumsor, explain why there is a dumsor, take responsibility for it, and then set about to resolve the problem. When, for example, we’re in power, we never try to deceive the country by doing what I call engineering of our fiscal numbers, hiding numbers, and pretending some of them were below the line, just because we wanted to deceive the country.”

‘I don’t understand why anybody will panic about Bawumia-Opoku Prempeh ticket’ – Fifi Kwetey