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CODEO has announced that it is embarking on a project to help the EC better its data entry to avoid the numerous errors it usually commits.

Despite the tabulation of results being a concern raised by the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) in their various election observer reports to the Electoral Commission, the problem still persists.

The Commission, following an infographic error committed during the tabulation of the 2024 limited voter registration, came under serious criticisms, with its competence for the upcoming December elections questioned.

Although the EC corrected the errors after its attention was drawn to it, people have criticised that the discrepancies are becoming one too many.

Speaking with Keminni Amanor on Hot Issues on TV3 Sunday, June 02, 2024, Albert Arhin, National Coordinator of CODEO noted it has observed the existence of the errors despite raising it in its commendations to the EC, and has resolved to device a project to abate such occurrences.

“Do you know what’s happening right now? CODEO is doing a project. And
yesterday, in fact, I even hinted the electoral commission that will be coming to visit
here. There’s a project of trying to find a better way of correcting mistakes that are made, for example, in results tabulation at the EC. And they should look at it. Not only at the polling station, but even from the collation center to whatever, regional center, to the national,” he disclosed.

Meanwhile, Mr. Arhin, has said the voter register is credible despite a considerable number of minors on it.

“The information collected is credible. It’s credible. Despite the minors on the roll. The minors have multiple registrations. A lot of them have been challenged. And they are going to appear before the adjudication committee. Again, there’s going to be what they call adjudication. I’ve been invited.”

“They will show all the double registrations, people they consider to be minors, their pictures will be shown. And it’s not only CODEO that is going to be there. Representatives of the parties are going to be there. The EC itself will be there. Some CSOs are going to be there. And these things will be shown to all of us,” he relayed.

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