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After a year full of pandemics, variants and wars, The World Happiness Report shines a light on the world’s happiest countries, celebrating its 10th anniversary. 

The release of this year’s Globe Happiness Reflect analyses the data from global surveys to report how people think of their lives in more than 150 countries.

Though the epidemic gave rise to distress and suffering for many, it also boosted the number of people seeking social help and charitable donations.

What is the World Happiness Index 2022?

Every year The Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes a report known as the World Happiness Index which assesses the comprehensive level of happiness in more than 150 nations globally.

According to the statistics from the Gallup World Poll, and many other characteristics, such as GDP and life expectancy, are employed as the footing for the ranking that the statisticians have developed.

The study will have three primary areas of concentration in the year 2022.

1. Looking back

2. Looking at how individuals and nations are faring in the face of Covid-19,

3. Looking forward to how the science of well-being is expected to develop in the future.

How Is the World Happiness Index 2022 Measured?

The methodology behind the measurement of the World Happiness Index is the gathered statistics that reflect survey data from thousands of respondents in each nation who are appealed to assess their subjective well-being (happiness score). Their responses are utilized to develop statistics.

The elements that are impacted:
Life expectancy

GDP per capita

Social support


The liberty to decide one’s course in life

The public’s view of corrupt practices

Both positive and negative effects might be seen.

World Happiness Index 2022 – Country Wise Rank

1. Finland
The number one position is bagged by Finland with the distinction of being the happiest nation in the world.

The country scored 7.842 out of 10 with its strong sense of civic solidarity and mutual trust among the people.

Finland was also successful in navigating the COVID-19 epidemic as the people of Finland had a high belief that they were free to make their own decisions and had a low level of skepticism about the integrity of their government.

Both of these aspects contributed significantly to one’s level of happiness overall.

2. Denmark
Denmark has a cultural and historical emphasis on the need for trust and communal values.

This promotes a sense of one another’s welfare among the people forming a strong social fabric.

3. Iceland
Iceland has above-average healthcare compared to other nations and Health is a significant factor in determining happiness.

The great majority of its inhabitants have access to medical facilities that are of a high standard.

Home to some of the world’s most breathtaking natural scenery, Iceland and its people are very outgoing.

4. Netherlands
Often known as the Holland to many tulip fans, The Netherlands has a score of 7.464 out of 10.
The Netherlands bagged its 4th place due to its generosity and impressively low level of perceived corruption.

5. Luxembourg
In fifth place, Luxembourg is home to ancient sites and castles with natural landscapes, gastronomic delights, and cultural variety.

6. Sweden
On rank six is Sweden known to maintain a healthy work-life balance and according to studies one of the best countries in the world for women because the country places a strong emphasis on social equality beginning with kindergarten, offers 16 months of paid parental leave (maternity and paternity leave) that can split between a couple, and provides free daycare.

7. Israel 

The 7th position is for Israel in the list as it has a robust social and familial structure, a healthy life expectancy, excellent medical care, and a stable economy.

8. New Zealand

New Zealand has bagged eighth place with its social welfare programs. New Zealand is widely regarded as among the best in the world.

Source: Jagran Josh