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Private legal practitioner Martin Luther Kpebu has alleged that President Akufo-Addo, some few months ago, asked the Special Prosecutor, William Kissi Agyebeng, to resign which he refused.

Mr. Kpebu says that was the time Mr. Agyebeng had come out to lament the frustrations he was going through in discharging his duties as the Special Prosecutor.

According to the renowned lawyer, the President, after realising Mr. Agyebeng would probably prosecute him and his appointees after his tenure, wants to get him out, the reason he asked him to resign few months ago.

Speaking on the KeyPoints Saturday, May 18, 2024, Mr. Kpebu noted that Martin Amidu’s move has only given the President the opportunity to pursue a personal agenda he tried and failed.

“Now Martin Amidu has served as an opportunity for President Akufo-Addo to get Kissi out. Akufo-Addo had asked Kissi to resign a few months ago. The time he was doing the ‘Ankwaanoma

‘,” he said.

“Yes, I know, I also have my sources. People at the presidency, you think people are happy about the things Akufo-Adddo is doing? Yes, he asked him to resign and Kissi said no I’m not going anywhere,” he said in response to host, Alfred Ocansey’s probe if he had evidence to his allegations.

He continued that the President is orchestrating Mr. Agyebeng’s removal “because you know why, Akufo-Addo is scared that the way Kissi has shown a bit of independence, he’s shown a bit of steel, if he leaves Kissi in office, Kissi is likely to prosecute him and his appointees.”


Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu, the former Special Prosecutor, has filed a petition for the impeachment of William Kissi Agyebeng as the current occupant of the office.

Mr Amidu alleges procurement breaches in the purchase of vehicles for the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) and abuses involving judges and the administration of justice as part of his call for Mr. Agyebeng’s impeachment.

Other allegations include violations of citizens’ rights through arrests and detentions, violations of the right to information, and improper appointments of personnel to the office.

Additionally, Mr. Amidu alleges a violation of the right to information when he requested appointment letters and salary details of all OSP staff to be put on a pen drive for him, which Mr. Agyebeng refused.

The petition dated April 30, 2024, was presented to President Akufo-Addo and forwarded to the Chief Justice, Gertrude Torkornoo, on May 6, 2024 for onward processing.

The Chief Justice, according to sources, is determining whether there is a prima facie case to establish a committee for Mr. Agyebeng’s removal as required by the Constitution in Article 146.

Getting some cases wrong does not make you incompetent – Appiah-Kubi to Kissi Agyebeng