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Afiba Tandoh went to Nigeria to attend a wedding of an acquaintance, Adani Blessing Oyinye.

The wedding was called off at Garden Heights Estate, Port Harcourt, and she stayed behind to transact some business on Pet Accessories.

She and her friend, Celine Ndudim, traveled to Abia State where they both vanished.

The Nigerian Police Service launched a manhunt for her and her missing friend, believing that they have been abducted.

In an interaction with Francis Tandoh, the elder brother of Abigail on the Efie Ne Fie show with Doctor Prekese, he disclosed that Abigail, 26, has been friends with Celine for over 4 years.

She’s a Nigerian but she always comes to Ghana.

When the two friends went to Abia State, Blessing told Abigail’s family in Ghana that she’s gotten a message from Abigail that she had been kidnapped by one Andrew.

The Police went to the last seen location and arrested the suspect, Andrew, and searched his house but nothing incriminating was found.

The Nigerian police informed Francis Tandoh that Andrew met his demise through gunshot wounds in a village while attempting to escape from the Police when he was driving his own car from Abia to Abuja.

Till date Francis was not able to see the dead body of the deceased, Andrew.

He said the [olice informed him that they found some decomposing bodies near Andrew’s house but he rejected the notion that the badly decomposed body belonged to Afiba, who has been missing for two months.

Francis has not heard anything about the whereabouts of his sister and doesn’t know if she’s alive or dead.

He believes that the Hook-up story making waves on social media is a story cooked up by Andrew to cover his tracks.

His sister is not a Hook-up girl and he also doesn’t believe that Andrew is dead as reported.

He urged Ghanaians to disregard the Hook-Up and Organ Harvesting Story online and decried the unfriendly attitude of the Ghana High Commission in Nigeria.

He wants the Government of Ghana to look into the case thoroughly. He also wants to see the body of the supposedly deceased Andrew.

Stay tuned to Onua 95.1 FM for more revelations.