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National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has described the 2024 elections as “a feast with the devil” for his party.

The expression ‘feast with the devil’ means that one should be cautious when dealing with dangerous persons.

He says the NDC is adequately preparing to face the challenge to realise the dream of Ghanaians and the NDC who both want a change in government.

General Mosquito, as he is known in the political space, has said Ghanaians are fed up with the poor governance of the Akufo-Addo administration, therefore clamouring for change in the 2024 polls.

Speaking on Yen Nsempa, the Onua FM morning show Wednesday, May 22, 2024, General Mosquito explained that the government has done many bad deals of which it fears to relinquish power, and has therefore created an atmosphere to prevent a free and fair election.

He says the appointment of NPP faithful into the Electoral Commission (EC) who has to supervise the polls are part of the means to rig the elections, the reason they require “a long spoon” in their “feast with the devil.”

“From now till the time of the election, we are aware we are going to feast with the devil so we need to have a long spoon,” he told Nana Yaa Brefo Danso, host of the show.

He explained that “we’ve realised Ghanaians are fed up with this bad governance and looking for change and that’s why we the NDC agree with Ghanaians that there should be change of government. The one wielding power, knowing the atrocities he has committed, doesn’t want to relinquish power because the ‘full length of a frog is determined at its death’ so what if the frog doesn’t die? So, he doesn’t want to leave and has created some network to protect him by fighting against the will of the people so that he will not leave power, that is why I said we are going to feast with the devil.”

“So we know most of the Electoral Commission staff are NPP affiliated and they are going to use the regulations of the NPP for the elections and if you don’t look at things that way, you’ll be swayed. So we are putting measures in place to protect ourselves amid all these, that’s why I’m saying our spoon has to be long,” he added.

The NDC Chairman, however, expressed optimism that when the wind of  change is blowing, there is nothing that can stop it.

“Election involves the electorates, candidates and a referee which is the Electoral Commission as well as the security. So if the deeds of the security and the Commission are not up to task, it is bad. That is why I’m saying all these are odds against the change but our faith is that, when the wind of change is blowing, it is very difficult to stop it,” he was confident.

Election 2024: Like Azumah Nelson, we are going into the polls with our own referee – Asiedu Nketia doubts EC’s neutrality