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Deeds of the election management body, the Electoral Commission (EC) and the security services are working against the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) quest to wrestle power from the NPP, National Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has observed.

He says the President is adopting all means to deny the will of Ghanaians and the NDC to oust them from power due to the poor governance the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has put the citizenry through.

General Mosquito, as he has been known in the political arena, suspects the EC and the security services, particularly the police, who are part of the major stakeholders in the polls are exhibiting traits that defy fairness and neutrality.

Speaking with Nana Yaa Brefo on Onua FM’s Yen Nsempa Wednesday, May 22, 2024, General Mosquito held that the recruitment of persons affiliated to the NPP into the EC is part of the tactics the government is adopting to prevent the change.

Despite the concerns raised by Mr. Asiedu Nketia, he expressed optimism of a change in government saying that when change is inevitable, nothing can stop it.

“Election involves the electorates, candidates and a referee which is the Electoral Commission as well as the security. So, if the deeds of the security and the Commission are not up to task, it is bad. That is why I’m saying all these are odds against the change, but our faith is that, when the wind of change is blowing, it is very difficult to stop it,” he stated.

Akufo-Addo has been rewarding beneficiaries of electoral violence – Asiedu Nketia