Gertrude Araba Esaaba Torkonoo is Ghana's Chief Justice
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“He who feeds you controls your mind” is the reason why Akwasi Addai Odike, Founder of the United Progressive Party (UPP), thinks, the Chief Justice (CJ), Gertrude Torkornoo, would tout President Akufo-Addo as an astute lawyer who has upheld the principles of the rule of law.

According to Odike, “Akufo-Addo has given her (Chief Justice) employment so she doesn’t think about Ghanaians.”

The founder of the UPP says the President, when it comes to adhering to the rule of law, has failed woefully, making Madam Torkonoo’s comments about him inaccurate.

The Chief Justice, during the 2024 Africa Conference of the International Association of Women Judges described the President as the “most distinguished legal practitioner” in the history of Ghana’s legal trajectory, touting his belief in the rule of law as evident to all.

“His belief in the rule of law has been evident during his tenure as president and the judicial service of Ghana has been a beneficiary of the exceptional level of physical and technological infrastructure during this period,” Madam Torkornoo had added.

But, reacting to the statement, a surprised Akwasi Addai Odike questioned that: “Does Akufo-Addo even understand the rule of law? Is it not Akufo-Addo that uses tax payers’ money to build a cathedral even with our opposition to it? Which Military Leader did that?”

He described William Akufo-Addo’s administration as worse than a military dictatorship.

“Akufo-Addo’s administration is 20 times worse than military rule. Usually people complain that they don’t want military rule but it is those who have duped the state that harbours fears that the military will go after them. At least I saw I.K. Acheampong’s rule. He was a benevolent dictator. He never took a loan but Akufo-Addo has taken many loans and wasted them on his girlfriends. Acheampong travelled to Togo once and returned the same day. But let’s quantum Akufo-Addo’s travels and the amount spent on it can construct a railway line from Accra to Kumasi,” he noted.

Dr. Baah Amoako likens Akufo-Addo’s administration to dictatorship