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Trainees under the Nation Builders Corps (NABCo) have lamented the nonpayment of their allowances for months now without government taking a listen to their plea.

They have made several complaints with press releases and conferences, sharing their sentiments to the government for a hearing, but all to no avail.

In an interview with OnuaOnline Friday, June 07, 2024, Public Relations Officer of the Corps, Eric Nana Takyi, indicated that as at the time they were retrenched from their respective places of service in September 2022, government owed them 11 months, where two months was paid to them later.

Till date, government owes NABCo personnel up to nine months arrears. In a press statement issued Monday, December 04, 2024, they gave the government a one month ultimatum to clear the arrears but did not see the light of day.

“We have already lost trust in Nana Addo/Bawumia led government. All we need now is 9 months arrears fully settled as we don’t want to have any business to do with this government again.”, the group said in the press statement signed by Frank Evans Quansah, Secretary for the Coalition of NABCo trainees.

The trainees also asked the government to put an end to hailing the NABCo scheme, which they said was non-functional.

Reacting to the development Thursday, on 3FM’s Sunrise with Johnnie Hughes, Nana Akomea noted that government’s refusal to pay the arrears is a huge stigma on the government.

“It’s a stigma that government must correct quickly. I am saying that government should correct it quickly by paying them. It is an embarrassment. And I’m hoping that they will be paid very soon,” he stated.

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