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The NPP government’s ‘One Village, One Dam’ initiative is part of the policies John Dramani Mahama has hinted of eliminating, including several other projects he deems wasteful, should he become President.

The flag bearer of the NDC says the funds being wasted on such ventures could be invested in other ventures that could help the nation’s economic growth for revenue.

John Mahama highlighted the urgent need for strategic financial decisions and fiscal discipline in light of the ongoing economic challenges.

He has critiqued the government for its excessive expenditure and over-reliance on revenue generation without taking any measures to halt the financial inefficiencies in the system.

The former President has assured the citizenry of his readiness to abolish all wasteful ventures instituted by this administration and channel the funds to other profitable ones.

“This government made many mistakes and we find ourselves in this crisis again and we need to cut down expenditure. This government is not willing to cut expenditure. In a crisis, you slash expenditure and increase revenues.

“All they are doing is increasing revenues but without reducing expenditure. We are going to eliminate all those wasteful projects; One Village, One Dam and all those things that they spent billions on so that we can use that money in the more productive sectors to make the economy grow again. Like Planting for Food and Jobs,” John Mahama was speaking after a Father’s Day church service where he preached at the Assemblies of God Church at the Ring Way Estate in Accra.

From Eric’s Diary: Why Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia must bide his time