Franklin Fifi Fiavi Kwetey is General Secretary of the NDC
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Franklin Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has accused the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) of imitating their strategy for campaigning ahead of the 2024 polls.

According to Mr. Kwetey, although the parties have not began an official campaign, the NDC flag bearer, John Dramani had started visiting interest groups and opinion leaders which the NPP flag bearer has copied.

“Mahama is doing proper listening to many different groups, and of course, it’s been avidly copied by the typical copycats trying to do exactly the same thing that Mahama actually inaugurated in the previous election in 2020,” Mr. Kwetey said on Accra-based JoyNews.

The former Ketu South MP also stated that Dr Bawumia is “basically trying to copy meeting groups and asking questions…the same thing that we used to do when we launched our campaign ahead of the 2020 election, which we called the People’s Manifesto.”

He explained that the act of soliciting ideas from the public to couch a manifesto is an initiative of the NDC which began in the days of late former President Mills, which the NPP has copied.

According to him, the governing NPP did not previously follow this approach.

“They used to focus largely on rallies and stuff like that, but now, it’s no more,” he observed, adding, “it’s normal for them to continue copying.”

He also noted that the party has not began its full campaign yet, when asked on the party’s strategy to win this year’s election.

“We have not launched the full campaign yet. What we’ve done so far is pre-campaign,” he said.

The NDC General Secretary was hopeful that the party will soon outdoor its complete campaign structure.

“We will launch the campaign and our manifesto, then we will be in full gear and ready to go. But John Mahama has been doing quite a bit of touring already. That’s why that’s really important,” he said.

He stated that the party is not behind schedule, emphasizing, “Everything has been properly planned. Once we start, we’ll go the full distance, so we are not behind on anything.”

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