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Many think both the NPP and NDC have done Ghana no good, according to the General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), due to the unfulfilled promises of the current administration.

Franklin Fifi Fiavi Kwetey says a lot of Ghanaians, prior to the 2016 elections, trusted the NPP to deliver them from what appeared to be a quagmire of hopelessness, due to the numerous promises that were made by the then opposition.

However, due to the failure of the NPP to fulfill most of its promises, according to Fifi Kwetey, is the reason Ghanaians are disappointed.

He has been saying it’s unfortunate that Ghanaians put the NDC in the same bracket as the NPP due to the failure of the elephant family.

Speaking on Hot Issues on TV3 with Keminni Amanor Sunday, June 30, 2024, the former Ketu South Member of Parliament said “I can understand that level of cynicism.

“What I would say, however, is that often when people say that, especially when they are saying so during the eight-year rule of the NPP, it is coming largely because a lot of those people put a lot of their hope in the NPP, listened carefully to the many promises the NPP gave them and cannot believe the level of disappointment, the level of breaking of promises that they have seen.”

“Unfortunately, instead of narrowing it to the NPP, they try to put everybody in the same basket, which I think is not right at all,” he stated.

He explained further that although the NDC has had its own shortcomings during their period of rule in the country, its governments have served the nation better than the NPP.

“There is no denying that the NDC is not a perfect political party and we’ve never made any claim about being perfect.

“But in truth, if you check what I call the DNA of the NPP and the DNA of the NDC, they are very wide apart, whereas the NDC makes an effort to show conviction in what we do, the NPP, I will tell you, right from independence through to every single regime that has been in our politics, has stood for what I call the politics of convenience,” the ex legislator indicated.

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