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Founder and leader of the All People’s Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, has called on the government place an embargo on all foreign trades and foreign accounts in the country.

He also wants the government to avoid awarding contracts in dollars as well as barring companies from quoting figures in dollars for their services.

Mr. Ayariga, addressing the media on the cedi depreciation Tuesday, June 11, 2024, questioned why restaurants, hotel facilities and other companies are allowed to charge for their services in dollars instead of cedis.

He is livid the government has failed to put in measures to correct the menace as it has adversely affected the economy.

“The cedi continues to depreciate due to the fact that some schools, restaurants and hotels are allowed to charge for their services in dollars and other foreign currencies,” Ayariga said.

“I urge the government to stop awarding contracts in dollars, bar people from opening foreign accounts and shut down schools, restaurants and hotel facilities that charge in dollars for their services,” he reiterated.

He is optimistic the initiative, if adopted, will fend off the scarcity of the dollar and other currencies in the country.

Don’t politicise cedi depreciation, it’s a national problem – Deputy Finance Minister

By Maxwell Otoo|OnuaFM