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Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has reaffirmed the assertion of the party that the Electoral Commission is bent on rigging the December 2024 polls for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

His belief stems from what he says is the appointment of persons affiliated to the NPP to the Electoral Commission to supervise the upcoming polls.

Likening the development to a football match, General Mosquito, as he is known in the political terrain, says there is no way he would be convinced that an Accra Hearts of Oak coach would officiate a fair game between his side and Asante Kotoko.

Explaining his assertion, he said the appointments of Dr. Peter Appiahene and Salima Ahmed Tijani, who are publicly known to be sympathisers of the NPP to the Commission, is a cause for the NDC to arm themselves going into the election.

He has been telling Nana Yaa Brefo Danso on Yen Nsempa, an Onua FM morning show, how the NDC is preparing to approach the elections due to ongoing developments.

“If the coach or captain of Hearts [of Oak] is appointed to officiate a match between [Asante] Kotoko and Hearts, you don’t need to be told he will be biased against Kotoko and these referees include an election director of the NPP who is an [Electoral] Commissioner at the EC headquarters who are going to determine the elections,” he said Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

He also explained why he once said he is preparing to become the Electoral Commissioner due to comments made by the Council of State when issues regarding those appointments came up.

According to him, the Council said it is the educational background of a person that is paramount and not his or her political affiliation. He said it was for that reason that he once said he will be a credible candidate for the EC after serving as Chairman of the NDC.

“Apart from the appointments we complained about, the Council of State advises the President before he makes an appointment. So which advice did you give the President regarding this man [Dr. Appiahene] or you didn’t know he was an election director of the NPP? So to our shock, Council of State told us they didn’t consider the political background of the person but rather his educational background. That is why I said I was preparing to become EC one day.

Election 2024 ‘a feast with the devil’ for the NDC – Asiedu Nketia