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The Institute for Peace and Development, has cautioned the general public against the continuous sharing of purported acts of violent extremists content alleged to have been carried out in locations across Ghana.

In a statement issued by the Institute, such edited videos and messages create maximum fear and panic among the population.

“We particularly draw the attention of everyone to the fact that sharing such stories play into the hands of the Violent Extremists in many ways. This makes anyone who shares such stories an unwilling accomplice in the spreading of the violence”

It further states that “Fear is the most powerful weapon of all terrorists or violent extremists. The whole purpose of their public and widely publicized acts of violence, including videoing and publishing of executions, are designed to trigger and sustain the maximum amount of fear in their target populations”

“Therefore, if you take part in sharing make-believe unfounded, and unverified stories about the presence and operations of violent extremists in Ghana, you are directly and willingly supporting the agenda of violent extremists to create fear and panic that diverts attention from their actual plans and movements, if Ghana is their target.

The statement cited some video commentaries ran in English, Twi, Dagaare, and other local languages over the reported killings or kidnappings in Tamale and other parts of northern Ghana as false.

“IPD is based in Tamale, Our staff and their families live in Tamale, with frequent travels through other parts of northern Ghana. Since June 2019, we have been monitoring reports of VE activities along Ghana’s borders. We confirm that no such presence of acts of violent extremism as reported in the social media clips have happened in and or around Tamale or any part of the north for that matter”

“We strongly condemn the circulation of make-believe stories that happened elsewhere a while back and have no connection whatsoever with Ghana. We strongly caution the general public against circulating such videos to create fear”

By Christopher Amoako|Northern Reg.|