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Management of the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) is looking into the future for alternative means of boosting power supply to it’s production centres across the country to ensure consistent water supply to its customers and the general public.

The management says it is considering an innovative and comprehensive development to increase its power supply adding that the issues of solar energy and other alternative sources of power will be looked at considerably in line with the interest of both the company and its customers.

It says the move is part of management’s decision to resolve the long standing power crisis that has been a bane to consistent water supply to customers and the general public.

Speaking on Akoma FM’s current affairs and political show GhanAkoma Monday July 11, 2022, Public Relations Manager for the GWCL Ebenezer Paddy Narh is of the view that “the availability of other power alternatives to generate energy for our numerous plants to supply water to various households is imminent, hence, management is on the drawing board considering all angles to ensure effective and efficient alternative to the national grid for consistent water supply.”

Mr Narh was responding to calls by the public after the GWCL issued a press release on its inability to serve customers within Kumasi and parts of the Ashanti Region water due to some challenges encountered by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG). They explained that the dedicated lines which supply power to
Barekese and Achiase had encountered some challenges

He added that “Solar and other sources of power are all on the drawing board. We will make a comprehensive decision that will benefit our customers and the general public to ensure effective, efficient and consistent water supply.

Meanwhile the GWCL management is exploring more creative alternative sources of power to generate energy for their plants to prevent water shortage from reccuring.

By Nana Asenso Mensah|AkomaFM||Ghana